Welcome to AAF Buffalo

Your Buffalo connection to the national advertising industry

Our Upcoming Events

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Explore AAF Buffalo

AAF Buffalo is a local chapter of the American Advertising Federation, the nation’s oldest and most recognized organization in the advertising industry. AAF Buffalo offers a variety of events and initiatives year-round, including national speakers, member-only Skillshops, networking events, student scholarship programs, the American Advertising Awards and much more.

AAF Buffalo Needs You


Whether you are a student, pro, or CEO—now is the perfect time to Better Your Brand with the largest advertising club in Buffalo.


Open to any individual.



Open to all full-time students currently attending college.



This is open to any individual full-time educators, verification is required.



Company-owned memberships at discounted rates.


Our Sponsors

AAF Buffalo Newsletter Mailing List

Our monthly newsletter is a direct source of all things advertising and media in the greater Buffalo-Niagara region. Get recent stories from our blog, information on upcoming events, and links to recent industry news. Our goal is to bring you important and interesting information so you don’t miss out on any fun, but if you do, we’ll be sure to recap it for you!

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