February Ad Lab with Bing’s Jason Dailey
To kick off Ad Lab’s big move to its new location, the Saturn Club, the Ad Club wanted to bring something special that would appeal to a large audience. They delivered, and were able to bring in Bing Evangelist Jason Dailey to discuss “Connected Experiences in a Multi-Screen World”. And no, he’s not that type of evangelist.
With a large, wide-ranging audience filling the room, the new venue felt like an old home, and the crowd was excited.
@adclubofbuffalo @QuinlanCompany this #AdLab is off the chain right now.no excuse for not being here
— Griffin Jones (@GrifJones) February 25, 2014
Jason took the stage and immediately dove right into the history of screens in our lives, including a fun fact about the first search engine in 1945. The goal of the talk was to understand a few main points of multi-screen usage and how marketers can utilize this information to reach users.
First, there are a number of different devices and each one is being used for a different reason. Whether it’s social interaction, investigative research, or brain dead facebooking, marketers need to be aware of what people are looking for. Also, Jason showed that time of day matters too when using multiple devices. As the day goes on, people become less serious. Mornings are productive, evenings are for entertainment and exploration.
Now that we know the answer to the problem, a new one arises. An issue a lot of marketers will share is customizing four or more different experiences on a limited budget.
In the past, we used to just screen calls, in future we will "screen" everything! #AdLab
— Liam T. O'Mahony (@LiamTOMahony) February 25, 2014
It was a solid showing for the first Ad Lab at the Saturn Club, and great to have prominent figure from a digital powerhouse like Microsoft at our disposal. Along with the new location, the club pumped some new technology into Ad Lab by adding the ability to text or tweet your questions during the show. The experiment was a success and helped fuel the discussion following Jason’s presentation.
Keep the discussion rolling below or tweet us at @adclubofbuffalo and look for the next Ad Lab, March 25th at the Saturn Club.