Board Spotlight: Emma Roberts

Name: Emma Roberts

Role/years with AAF Buffalo: This is my 2nd year (last year student member)

Occupation: Student receiving my BFA in Communication Design at Buffalo State

Instagram handle: @emrobc

Let’s hear about your day job.

What drove you to get into the advertising/marketing biz?

I’ve always enjoyed art and like the creative problem solving side of advertising.

What advice do you have for emerging talent in your field?

Join AAF

When you’re not working, how do you spend your free time (hobbies, side projects, etc.)?

I like to read, garden, paint and play video games.

What’s one thing not many people know about you?

My favorite animals are goats.

What’s the last thing you read?

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

What’s your favorite restaurant?

Saigon Cafe

What’s your favorite hidden gem in WNY?

The Cider Mill

Duff’s or Anchor Bar?

Anchor Bar

Now, let’s talk a little about AAF Buffalo.

Why did you join AAF Buffalo?

I wanted to meet people within the industry and I noticed they had a lot of great opportunities and events for students.

What role(s) do you play on the AAF Buffalo board?

I am the student liaison.

What do you enjoy most about AAF Buffalo?

I enjoy the events they have for students and meeting new people.

Have you made any life-changing connections through AAF Buffalo?

I met Megan Sweeney, who is on the board, through Brandhack and she was the one who recommended me for the student liaison position!

Why would you encourage others to join AAF Buffalo?

It’s a great opportunity, especially for students. You’re able to receive tips on your portfolio, have the chance for scholarships, tour agencies, etc.