RECAP: AdTrivia 2022
Did you know the NASDAQ stock symbol for SouthWest Airlines is LUV? Yeah, neither did we.

AAF Buffalo kicked-off the first yearly AdTrivia where agencies gathered at Flint Kitchen + Bar to compete and answer questions around advertising, pop culture and beyond. The eight teams definitely brought the heat, but only one team came out on top – Crowley Webb’s very own ‘The Answer Prancers’ – congrats! It’s safe to say that attendees left with a whole new bank of knowledge, enjoying an evening filled with fun facts, great food and lots of laughs.
We look forward to making this a yearly tradition, bringing advertising professionals together to let loose, network and partake in some healthy competition.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended or participated in any of this year’s events! For more info on all of our programming for the club year, check out
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