AdVENTising Blog

AdVENTising – We Need a Brochure

AdVENTising – A new series of posts from guest bloggers. The thoughts expressed in this column are the sole opinions of our volunteer guest writers.

We Need a Brochure
Written by member Blair Boone, Ph.D.

Back in the day, clients would come to ad agencies and say, “We need a brochure.”

Some agencies gave their clients a brochure. The good ones asked, “What do you want to accomplish? We’ll tell you if you need a brochure.”

Then the account folks and creative types would develop a strategy and a campaign that might — or might not — include a brochure.

Today, clients come to agencies and say, “We need to be on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.”

You’d think the good ad agencies would say, “Tell us what you want to accomplish and we’ll develop a strategy that includes social media. Maybe we’ll recommend a blog instead of Pinterest.”

But no. Too often, they’re saying, “Oh, sure. Right after we design a nice brochure for you. And produce a TV spot or three.”

Now, I’m not talking about the bad old Web 1.0 days when agencies just took the client’s brochure and put it up on the website. Or slapped up last year’s :30 TV spot. That phenomenon was about agencies not understanding the interactive capability of the new medium of the Internet (yep, it was capitalized back then).

No, I’m talking about agencies today not getting that social media is about (a) content, and (b) engagement. That it’s a process, not a project, a process that relies on having people who can generate engaging content and manage continuous engagement. I’m talking about the mentality that still wants to sneak a brochure in there somewhere. Even though you can’t tweet a brochure. And no one has ever “Liked” a brochure on Facebook.

There’s nothing wrong with a brochure if your client needs one. But who does? Most business is conducted electronically in one form or another. Even restaurants can send a copy of their menu to your smartphone. Do they really need a brochure?

Part of the problem is the agency business model still hasn’t accommodated unpaid media and low-cost production. Under the old model, media commissions and markup on printing and broadcast production were where the money came from. That model’s been dead for a while, yet we still haven’t figured out how to make money selling engagement.

We’d damn well better. If clients have finally gotten over brochures, isn’t it time we did?

Blair Boone, Ph.D. has been writing advertising copy for a long time. Most of it has not appeared in brochures. He is president of OneWriter. You can find him at and @blairboone on Twitter. ©Blair Boone 2012

Blog Board

Year in the life of a first time board member

My first year as an ACB board member is coming to a close. Now our group is looking for some new board members to join in so I though I’d share a little insight into my experience and what it’s really all about.

To be honest I wasn’t really sure about being on the board. I’d never been a board member for anything before, and it sounded like a big commitment, but some friends and colleagues convinced me I should go for it. It would be a good experience and only good could come from it. To my complete surprise I was voted in.

They were right of course. As part of the Digital Communications Committee, with Jason Yates and Lauren Cius, I’ve gotten the chance to assist with the clubs email marketing, website updates and social media presence. There have also been tons of great events I’ve gotten to participate in. But the best part has been all the great people and organizations I’ve gotten to meet and learn more about along the way.

There’s been a lot happening this past year but here’s a quick list of what you could be a part of:

•  Talking to students. Getting the chance to go talk to college students and professors about our field and how it’s changing.

•  Personally meet the speakers we bring in. I got to meet Peter Shankman and Vic Carucci this year.

•  Meeting lots of great local photographers and writers.

•  Visiting board members offices. Once a month we host our monthly board meeting at one of the member’s offices.

•  Chance to work with other local clubs. I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with Buffalo Niagara 360, Social Media Club of Buffalo and Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives.

•  Planning current and new events. I learned a lot about event planning this year, what it takes and what the venues in Buffalo NY have to offer.

•  Meeting and working with people from many different industries. Our members come from banks, ad agencies, tech companies, product distributors, broadcast, start-ups and more.

If you have any questions about being on the board feel free to contact me at And if you want to your name in the hat there’s more information on how to apply here.
Tomorrow’s the last day to apply.

AdLab Blog

AdLab: Sports Marketing and Sports Entertainment

AdLab Sport Marketing Panel

There was a lot of great insight looking into the strategy of what it takes to pull off perfect execution in sports marketing.

Here’s a sampling of the key points discussed:

– Fan experience is the top priority for teams. Fans will support a team that genuinely supports its fans.

– Sponsors are now viewed as partners.

– Finding ways to improve the in-game experience is key.

– Gathering feedback whether it is surveys, social media or sitting in the stands. It’s all relevant.

– Team-run media, TV and radio, will continue to be a trend.

– Citizen journalists are welcomed.  They help spread the word.

– Lower tier, sustained sponsorships are better than top tier, one-time deals.

If interested in future AdLab events you can learn more here.

AdLab: Sports Marketing and Sports Entertainment
Today the Advertising Club of Buffalo is offering up a unique sports marketing speaking event through our monthly AdLab at Templeton Landing (on the patio weather permitting). We champion our sports teams, whether they’re up or down, and we love to see them represented in profound, inspiring and creative ways.

If you ever wondered what makes the whole operation work, the strategy behind it and what pulling off perfect execution takes, you won’t want to miss it. This month’s professional panel is sure to provide insight into the hard work that brings sports marketing and entertainment to life. The panel will include Vic Carucci (Cleveland Browns Senior Editor, former Network Senior Columnist) an award-winning writer who has covered the NFL for more than 30 years, Brent Rossi (Buffalo Sabres, Vice President of Brand Strategy and Marketing) and John Cimperman (CENERGY Activating Brands, Principal) with the conversation moderated by WGR550 morning show host Jeremy White (Entercom Communications, Talk Show Host).

Attendees will learn just what it takes to be successful in the sports ad business and the opportunities that exist for brands, products and services. The audience will get to hear the panelist discuss a diverse range of sports marketing channels such as sponsorship, corporate events and boxes, licensed merchandise, endorsements, broadcast, ground/clothing/equipment advertising, in-game activation, as well have the opportunity to ask questions on the topics.

Sports Marketing and Sports Entertainment: The Real Play Happens Off the Field
With Special Guest Vic Carucci

July 17 | Templeton Landing on the patio (weather permitting)
2 Templeton Terrace, Buffalo
Cash Bar & Hors D’oeuvres @ 5:15 p.m. | Presentation @ 6 p.m.

Pay Ahead Online: Student Members $5  |  Members $10  |  Non-Members $25
Pay at the Door: Add $5 

More details and tickets can be purchased here.



Best of Show Judging

Take a look behind the scenes, to watch the judges decide best in show. They start by putting all of the Gold winners on a table, and narrow the field down to their favorite piece. We recorded this year’s deliberation so you can get a better idea of how the judging process works.

This year’s judges:

Camron Gnass – Creative Director, Traction, Lansing, MI

Jennifer May – Interactive Designer, designRoom Creative, Cleveland, OH

Chris Miller – Writer, Cramer Krasselt, Milwaukee, WI

Ann Clayton – Creative Manager, Advance Autoparts, Roanoke, VA


Best of Show:

Gelia – Trico – Moment of Truth :15

Best of Show Runners-up

Crowley-Webb – Irish Classical Theatre Company – ICTC Wake Mixed Media


Gelia – JDRF – The Heroes of JDRF Invitation

Also winner of the xpedx Creative use of Paper award


Gelia – Smiling Ted’s Used Cars – Smiling Ted’s Campaign


The Martin Group – Buffalo Bills – Buffalo Bills “Mom-Squad”  Videos

Best Showbook Ad


See the rest of the winners

Check out a full recap of all the winners over at AdHub

What did you think of the show?

We want to know what you thought of the show. Help us make it even better next year by taking our post-show survey.

Duplicate awards and extra showbooks (while supplies last) are also available. Contact us to learn more.



At the Ultimate Blood Drive, giving and competing are in the same vein.

From February 27 to March 4, Advertising Club of Buffalo members are invited to compete in the Ultimate Blood Drive. The company to get the most blood donors for the week will be announced at ADDYGEDDON – March 16 at the Pierce-Arrow Museum.

Recruit co-workers, friends and family. Every person who donates using your company name counts towards your team score. It’s very easy – just go to any of the locations listed at and say who you’re donating on behalf of.

AdLab Blog

AdLab: Video

Hopefully you attended our last AdLab:Video on January 30 and are ready to rock some sweet video action for your clients. We had lots of good discussion on how to produce decent video at any budget, but another great part of the conversation was about WHY to do video. Is it important? Is it a must? Our thought was yes and yes. For a little more confirmation, just ask Thomson Reuters.

And be sure to join us for AdLab: Owning a Small Business, with Brian Grunert, Matt and Laura Duquette and others Feb 28th at Templeton Landing!


AdLab – Video: How It Can Fit Into Every Budget

January 31 | Templeton Landing | 2 Templeton Terrace, Buffalo
Cash Bar & Hors D’oeuvres @ 5:15 p.m. | Presentation @ 6 p.m.
RSVP Now >

Lights, camera, astronomical costs? Not anymore. New technology and equipment makes video production an affordable option for everyone, including non-profit and small businesses.

Join us the last Tuesday of this month at our new AdLab venue, Templeton Landing, to hear from Andy Donovan (Owner, Daily Post), Laurie Wolfe (Independent Writer and Producer in Broadcast and New Media), John Paget (Director at First+Main Media) and Michael Niman (Media Arts Professor, Buffalo State College) as they cover such topics as: scaling the production to fit the budget, the importance of communicating expectations before the camera rolls, the hidden costs of video (and how to avoid them) and much more.

So whether you’re interested in creating a simple video on a small budget or a big television campaign on a client-conscious budget, this is one AdLab you don’t want to miss!

Blog Students

Communications Career Day and Portfolio Seminar 2011

The Advertising Club of Buffalo and PRSA Buffalo Niagara joined forces to host the annual Communications Career Day on November 4. More than 50 college students from across the region visited New Era Cap Co. for a one-day event crafted to help them find jobs and learn how to network with some of WNY’s top communications professionals.

The event kicked-off with a panel discussion on the topic: “How I Started my Communications Career.” Our panelists included young professionals working in various agencies, large corporations and nonprofits. Guest speakers also shared well-received information on how to create a personal brand and manage online reputation while job searching. Sure, you could google some of this—but combine all the insider knowledge with real face time? Now that’s an opportunity worth nabbing.

Career day concluded with resume and interview skill sessions, and “speed networking” with some local pros. While the volunteers wiped out entire stacks of their business cards, the students filled their notebooks page after page with priceless info. We’d wish these future communications grads luck, but we’re pretty sure they won’t need it.

Portfolio Seminar 2011

It’s just a portfolio, what’s the big deal?

What’s the big deal!? Well, on November 5th, Greg Meadows, Mark Wisz, Jessica Black and Levi Neuland had lots to say about that. And design students from UB, Buff  State, Villa Maria, Daemen and Canisius got the inside scoop.

Our crew of experienced pros talked about the basics and the not-so-basics of crafting a meaningful book of work that showcases your true talent. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they suggested how many pieces to show (6 to 8), and a few recommendations on format (your iPad is ok, just practice, and boards are fine, as long as your craftsmanship is impeccable). But like a really good tell-all book, they shared the gory details of what it takes to get a second interview. What you should leave off your resume – like rampant swirlygigs, or your 4th grade position as hall monitor. And how much cologne you should wear. (In the wise words of Jessica Black, “Don’t stink.”) After almost two hours of pure, unadulterated wisdom, the pros fielded questions in an open Q&A session. Questions like “at what point do follow-ups become annoying,” “do I need to know coding,” and “what was your absolute worst interview ever.” And to top it all off, the pros shared their own portfolios so the students could literally see all this advice in action—a rare opportunity in the design world.

It was an honor to put on an event that brought together these young talented designers and wicked smart pros. Pros walked away fulfilled. Students walked away entertained, educated, and with a leg up. Thanks to all who were a part of this annual event; and here’s to the hope that it makes for fewer “worst interviews ever,” and way more “best interviews ever.”


Writing for the senior living marketplace? Hit the “Big 3.”

By Brandon Stickney

A zillion or so Baby Boomers are following The Greatest Generation into lifestyles of bliss in senior living communities. As our country gets older, the elder (or mature) population just can’t wait to shed the tiresome, expensive burdens of home ownership for the greenest pasture of all, the mature lifestyle community.

Right? Maybe.

The United States gets older while Social Security wrings its hands with worry. Marketers—especially copywriters—for senior lifestyle communities (or Continuing Care Retirement Communities [CCRCs]) face the challenge of being pithy while extolling the numerous—one might hope obvious and inherent—virtues of our grandparents and parents leaving the old homestead behind for a new time of personal growth without elder worry. Forget the chores and home maintenance, forget “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” For a fee, our seniors can finally, after all these years, do what they’ve always wanted to do at a CCRC.

The client, the owner of the senior housing community, relies solely on the marketer initially get this point across. It’s up to the marketer to make the phones ring, so the apartment or home sales manager can take over in person and close the sale.

Too often, however, the marketer forgets that the target audience is part of a generation that fought tooth and nail to keep the homes they are now encouraging them to give up; in bad times they skipped meals to pay the mortgage. This generation has been through all of the sales come-ons, too. Today’s senior lifestyle communications must get to the heart of the matter. Quick. And that’s where the “Big 3” come in.

There are three main points that every senior living communication must subtly address for the decision-making seniors and their adult children (who often weigh in heavily on the final choice)—the main reasons why seniors make the decision to join such a community:

1) The Event: After age 60, most mature adults encounter, or see their loved one(s) face, “The Event,” which ranges anywhere from a bad fall to a stroke. For whatever reason, on that day, no one was there to provide help. They may have been calling for help for hours, fearing the worst. The takeaway? Senior housing has solutions.

2) Loneliness: As seniors get older, they lose friends to out-of-town moves, long-term hospitalization, and death. When they were younger, they “lost” friends to marriage. But sometimes they came back. In the 4th quarter of life, the social contacts seniors lose don’t come back. The takeaway? Senior lifestyle communities are full of new friends their age, and young people (staff) who really care.

3) The Financials: Is it really a wise decision, in this market, to sell the family home? What about the kids taking it over? What about Dad’s woodshop? What about this, that? I’m too set in my ways to move. In other words, “No thanks. Take me off your mailing list.” The takeaway? Senior living is a sound financial decision.

The “Big 3” ideas can either help seniors choose to stay put, or choose mature lifestyle communities.  They are so blunt, even possibly demeaning when pondered, it makes them very difficult to address in copy advertising the senior living community – and may even scare the client.

So, in most marketing mailers, print ads, radio and web/blog copy, you see copywriters emphasizing the other, softer benefits of these communities: no maintenance, full access to healthcare services, lots of amenities and the idea that, “at my age, I can own a ‘new home or apartment.” Finally: affordable extravagance.

However, The Event, Loneliness, and Financials must be addressed directly, in a positive manner, when the copywriter and creative director work together to address the specifics that make each senior living community unique and attractive. The visuals of seniors sitting, reading books and playing golf may be tired (unless you’re marketing to older “assisted living” candidates); creative means creative.

You’ll get it through real teamwork—the creative director and copywriter collaborating. Too often today, the two are in separate rooms on the opposite side of the building.

When the main reasons for buying into senior community living are ignored, the marketing communication devices will miss the mark. Successful selling to seniors means delivering the goods up front, honestly, and at every opportunity.

Brandon Stickney interviewed many potential and current members of senior living communities and CCRCs on their reasons for choosing, and not choosing, this way of life, so he could successfully write for ad agencies, CCRCs, and new senior lifestyle paradigms.

Blog Board

Advertising Club of Buffalo Announces 2011-2012 Board of Directors

BUFFALO, N.Y. – The Advertising Club of Buffalo, one of Western New York’s most reputable professional organizations focused on marketing, advertising and creative professionals, recently announced its 2011-2012 Board of Directors.

Over the course of the last year, the Advertising Club of Buffalo’s Board of Directors has worked to create new and exciting programming for the benefit of its members. The Board introduced AdLab, a monthly educational panel series, revamped the annual ADDY Awards show, and expanded on UberBowl II, a recently-introduced event covering Super Bowl advertisements. In addition to both unveiling a new corporate pricing structure and improving the organization’s social media presence through Twitter, Facebook and a recently launched blog, the Ad Club will soon kick off the first-ever AdWeek in Buffalo.

Recognizing a common goal of connecting with other groups in the advertising and creative  communities, the Ad Club also began partnering with other organizations, including the American Society of Media Professionals, the Buffalo Niagara Sales and Media Executives, Public Relations Society of America, Social Media Club of Buffalo, Writers/Artists/Musicians and the Western New York Book Arts Club.

With its new and returning Board of Directors leading the charge, the Advertising Club of Buffalo is set to enhance club membership benefits, further develop its brand, and increase its presence in the advertising community.

“Last year, the Ad Club developed quality programming to bring new ideas and opportunities to our membership, all while maintaining a healthy budget,” said Ad Club of Buffalo President Charlie Riley. “We’re excited to build off this momentum with a great, diverse new board.”

Riley, the Interactive Services Director at SKM Group, joined the Ad Club Board in 2008 and will be continuing his term as President this year.

In addition to Riley, returning Executive Committee members include:

  • Vice President – Amber Rampino, Freelance/Consultant, web design and Internet marketing
  • Treasurer – Cait Zulewski, Corporate Relations Specialist, BlueCross BlueShield of Western New York
  • Secretary – Jordan Case, Senior Art Director, Eric Mower and Associates

New board members, elected to serve a two-year term, are:

  • Scott Bartels, Assistant Vice President/Senior Specialist Marketing, HSBC Bank USA
  • Academics Chair, Nick Colacicco, Marketing Director, Line Logic, a division of KegWorks
  • Carl Edholm, Creative Services Manager, clevermethod, inc.
  • Shannon Fisher, Senior Copywriter, SKM Group
  • Matt Low, VP, Associate Creative Director, Crowley Webb
  • ADDY’s Co-Chair, Alyssa Mayer, Account Manager/Digital Strategist, Travers Collins
  • PR Chair, Katie Rampino, Senior Account Executive PR, Eric Mower and Associates
  • Terri Swiatek, Marketing Designer, Algonquin Studios
  • Megan Wagner, Director of Corporate Communications, WNED Buffalo-Toronto

Returning board members include:

  • Membership Chair, Nicole Lawniczak, Senior Account Executive, Eric Mower and Associates
  • Lauren Cius, Associate Creative Director, SKM Group
  • AdLab Chair, Kim Pentheros, Art Director, The Martin Group
  • Communications Chair, Jason Yates, Art Director/Digital Developer, Gelia

Tricia Barrett, VP/Management Supervisor, Crowley Webb, is the immediate past president of the Advertising Club of Buffalo Board of Directors. Tina Pastwik returns as the Club’s administrative assistant.

Editor’s Note: Photos of the 2011-2012 Advertising Club of Buffalo Board Members are available. Please email or call 716-880-1483 to request specific headshots. 

About Advertising Club of Buffalo

Ad Club of Buffalo is an organization designed to promote and foster interaction among the graphic arts and marketing communication professionals in the Western New York area. They strive to provide current information about developments within the advertising/graphic design, visual arts, interactive development, print production, broadcasting and publication industries so as to further encourage excellence by those engaged in said fields while encouraging interest among students.                                                                        

For more information about the Advertising Club of Buffalo and its upcoming events, please visit: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.